Package Types

750 Ml

15,5 Kg

After the application, top coat varnish can be applied. It provides a bright, shining appearance by forming a thin film layer on the applied surfaces.
It is recommended to appliy anti-rust before application to metal surfaces. Stir the paint until it becomes homogeneous before application. The application surface should be free from oil, dirt and dust. Need to wait 15-20 min between each coating and apply with paint spay gun. The 1.8 mm paint spray gun with bottom feed is recommended. The first coat should be applied in low flow rate at distance of 35-40 cm. The second coat should be applied at close range and wait for 5 min. The third and fourth coat should be applied as a normal at close range as needed.
Technical Information
Thinning : Ready to use (it can be thinned with high quality thinner when necessary).
Re-coat: 15-20 min.
Dry to touch: 1 hour.
Full cure: 12 hours.
Fields of Application